It was the year 1989 and Miroslav Růžička, the first private restaurateur in Prague, and probably in the whole of Czechoslovakia, seated his first guests at a table. After waiting some time for a private business permit, he was finally allowed to open his doors to the public on April 21, 1989.
The U Lípy restaurant was founded in the then pre-Velvet Czechoslovakia as one of the first, and thus attracted great curiosity and fame. The restaurant did very well with the public, even much better than everybody expected. It didn’t take long and soon a new family business spread with first-class service, excellent Czech cuisine and a rich selection of wines not only throughout Prague. Everyone who was able to appreciate quality gastronomy at that time knew the U Lípy restaurant and the name of its founder and owner.
Perhaps that is why exceptional personalities and greats of their time often visited us. Presidents, prime ministers, diplomats, businessmen, artists from all over the world and other important personalities had lunch and dinner here.
With the growing interest in our specialties, their offer also grew. At first were served short dish orders which were later supplemented by classic Czech and foreign dishes. Very soon, our restaurant was appreciated by Czech gastronomic institutions. We have received many honors. In 2008, the U Lípy restaurant was even rated by the „Gurmán“ magazine as the best Czech restaurant.
The selection of the highest quality ingredients, family Czech and international cuisine, a wide range of wines and top service make the Restaurant U Lípy a special and rare place even after more than thirty years. There are not many family restaurants with such a tradition and decades of proven operation in Prague, or even in the Czech Republic.
Our kind of restaurant is endangered in this day and age. That is why we are very pleased that you are happy to return to us today.
Haven’t been to our place yet? We believe that you will also like Restaurant U Lípy.
Come and feel the unique atmosphere and sensual tastes of our finest cuisine.
Plzeňská 142/237, 155 00 Praha 13 Stodůlky
Praha 5
Phone.:-420 251 620 009,
Opening hours from 11:30 AM to 15:00 PM and 18:00 PM to 21:30 PM
The restaurant is air conditioned.
WiFi is available
Pets are allowed in tge restaurant.
The list of allergens on a special list.
The prices are counted with VAT.
Are you one of those who do not hide their love for good wine? In that case, our quality wines will surely take your breath away! We serve quality and archival Moravian or French wines with our meals in our restaurant, which perfectly underline the taste of our dishes and complete the unique period atmosphere of the place.
You can look forward to unique wines from famous wine regions and prestigious brands of archival wines, which we personally select for you with love and the greatest care from our suppliers. Our family wine cellar with a stable temperature of 16°C takes care of the correct storage and maturation of red wines.
Come and personally try, for example, one of our oldest and most popular wines – a rich, dense and silky wine from the Grand Cru Classé category. A wine with a distinctive taste and a unique varietal character of fine tannins from the French vineyard Chateau Mouton Rothschild, which our cellar has been offering since 1962.
Every year you can admire works by well-known artists on the vignettes, such as Jean Cocteau, Salvador Dali, Pablo Picasso (1973) or Andy Warhol (1975). The 1993 vignette was banned by US authorities for depicting a female act.
Lovers of quality wines will certainly appreciate the monumental, dark, dense wine with a stunning aroma of ripe red fruit from the Chateau Latour family belonging to the Rothschild family or wines of deep color and concentrated taste from the Chateau Petrus region, one of the most highly rated and most expensive wines recognized by experts worldwide.
Until recently, our cellar also contained the unique Chateau Petrus wine, 1952. A few years ago, the last bottle was sold to a Chinese businessman during his visit to our restaurant.
Chateau Margaux, Oblast Pauillac, Saint Emillion, Chateau Petrus, Chateau Mouton Rothschild, archival wines
At Lípa, we really care about quality wine. Whatever you choose, it will soon belong to your heart.
Not sure about choice? We will be happy to recommend the right wine for your meal and occasion.
Come and try. We look forward to seeing you.
Pro rychlejší vyřízení rezervace nás můžete kontaktovat telefonicky na čísle +420 251 620 009
Všechny ceny jsou uvedeny s DPH.
Seznam alergenů k nahlédnutí u obsluhy restaurace.
Patříte k těm, kteří se láskou k dobrému vínu netají? V tom případě se Vám z našich kvalitních vín dech jistě zatají! K jídlu v naší restauraci totiž podáváme kvalitní a archivní moravská či francouzská vína, která dokonale podtrhují chuť našich pokrmů a dokreslují jedinečnou dobovou atmosféru tohoto místa.
Těšit se můžete na jedinečná vína z proslulých vinařských oblastí a prestižní značky archivních vín, které pro Vás s láskou a tou největší péčí osobně vybíráme u našich dodavatelů. O správné uchovávání a zrání červených vín se stará náš rodinný vinný sklep se stabilní teplotu 16 °C.
Přijďte osobně vyzkoušet například jedno z našich nejstarších a nejoblíbenějších vín – bohaté, hutné a na jazyku hedvábné víno z kategorie Grand Cru Classé. Víno s výraznou chutí a výrazným odrůdovým charakterem jemné třísloviny z francouzské vinice Chateau Mouton Rothschild, které náš sklep nabízí již od roku 1962.
Na vinětách můžete každoročně obdivovat díla od známých umělců, například Jeana Cocteaua, Salvadora Dalího, Pabla Picassa (1973) nebo třeba Andyho Warhola (1975). Vinětu z roku 1993 zakázaly americké úřady kvůli zobrazení aktu ženy.
Milovníci kvalitních vín jistě ocení také monumentální, temné, hutné víno s ohromující vůní zralého červeného ovoce z oblasti Chateau Latour patřící k rodině Rothschildů nebo vína hluboké barvy a koncentrované chuti z oblasti Chateau Petrus, která patří k jedním z nejvíce hodnocených a nejdražších vín uznávaných znalci po celém světě.
Náš sklep donedávna obsahoval také unikátní víno Chateau Petrus ročník 1952. Před pár lety byla poslední láhev prodána významnému čínskému podnikateli při jeho návštěvě naší restaurace.
U Lípy si dáváme na kvalitním víně opravdu záležet. Ať už si vyberete jakékoliv, bude vašemu srdci brzy náležet.
Nejste si výběrem jistí? Rádi Vám doporučíme to pravé víno k Vašemu pokrmu a příležitosti.
Přijďte vyzkoušet. Těšíme se na Vás.